So it is nice to be able to remotely connect to your home computer. Many (included my) ISPs, give dynamic IP addresses, and although these don’t change often, they do change and are a pain to remember anyway. My solution is to have my computer e-mail me whenever it discovers it has a new IP address! You can easily configure exim4 to send emails from a linux machine through gmail, a great guide is here.
Once you have that you just need a little script, mine does this with python by asking and writing a temporary file with the old ip in /var/tmp. It only sends you a message when the IP changes, no need to spam your email box!
#!/usr/bin/python ''' A super simple script to email changes in a dynamic IP to an email address. If you drop this in /etc/cron.* , it will periodically poll a website to check if your iP has changed, and if it has it well send you an e-mail with the new one! Alex Knaust - 2/28/2013 ''' import os, smtplib, urllib2, re from email.mime.text import MIMEText # file to save the last IP address in IPLOC = '/var/tmp/ip' # site from which to get IP, if you change this you might need to alter get_live_ip IPSITE = '' # Message to send yourself with the IP MAILSTR = '''Hi, My new IP address is {0}\n''' # Address from which the email is being sent (this should probably match your SMTP setup FROMADDR = '' # Address to which to send the message TOADDR = '' ##################################################### ############### CODE ################################ ##################################################### def save_ip(ipstr): '''Save the Ip to IPLOC, return true if successful, false otherwise''' try: with open(IPLOC, 'w') as f: f.write(ipstr) except: return False return True def get_old_ip(): '''Gets the old IP by reading IPLOC, returns None if it could not be read''' try: with open(IPLOC, 'r') as f: ip = return ip.strip() except IOError: return None def get_live_ip(): '''Return the IP address of this computer by polling IPSITE returns None if not successful ''' try: f = urllib2.urlopen(IPSITE) return except urllib2.URLError: return None def send_mail(ipstr): '''Tries to send an email about the change of IP to the TOADDR returns true if successful, false otherwise ''' msg = MIMEText(MAILSTR.format(ipstr)) msg['Subject'] = 'IP Address change' msg['From'] = FROMADDR msg['To'] = TOADDR try: s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail(FROMADDR, [TOADDR, ], msg.as_string()) s.quit() except: return False return True def main(): oldip = get_old_ip() newip = get_live_ip() if newip is not None: if oldip is not None: if newip != oldip: send_mail(newip) save_ip(newip) else: send_mail(newip) save_ip(newip) if __name__ == '__main__': main()