Lately I’ve been working on a research project concerning android’s dalvik vm. Unfortunately, to compile cyanogenmod (at least for the Nexus 7), some proprietary drivers from the device are required (i.e. via ./ in the build guide for grouper ).
Now it may be inconvenient for you to actually attach the device (like if you are using a build server). So how to get the drivers? Surprisingly google didn’t offer any hints, but there is a straightforward way to do it… extract them from a cyanogenmod nightly build!
To make it even easier, here is a modified that pulls them from the extracted grouper build of your choice
# A hack to pull the binary files from a pre-existing build
# of this cyanogenmod (i.e. a nightly)
# Alex Knaust 2013-05-02
# Path to the unzipped nightly with the correct blobs
mkdir -p $BASE
for FILE in `cat proprietary-blobs.txt | grep -v "^#"`; do
This script will allow you to trim a folder(s) full of files to a fixed number of files, sampling randomly. My use case was to select a subsample of training images for CV research, but it could be used for whatever you like!
# Programmed by Alex Knaust 2013-03-12
import os, sys, random
def sampleFiles(k, dirs):
'''Deletes a random sample of files, leaving k remaining
from each directory. The directories must have identical filenames
and identical filecounts, otherwise we are in trouble
totalFiles = len(os.listdir(dirs[0]))
if k >= totalFiles:
print 'Not enough files to sample from'
# python magic at work
stuff = [sorted([os.path.join(d, p) for p in os.listdir(d)]) for d in dirs]
destroy = random.sample(zip(*stuff), totalFiles - k)
return destroy
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print('Pass number of files to sample, and directories to sample from')
k = int(sys.argv[1])
dirs = sys.argv[2:]
destroy = sampleFiles(k, dirs)
ans = raw_input('Will delete %d files, OK? y/n : ' % (len(destroy) * len(dirs)))
if ans[0].lower() == 'n':
print 'Goodbye'
#do the actual deletion
for files in destroy:
for f in files:
Alex Knaust's homepage(s)