
This is another chunk of code I recently uncovered, it was a python library for working with the webservice. The idea was that people who wanted to do interesting things with their banlists, especially administrators of user lists or hosting bots could use this to make their life easier. Included is also a script to transfer bans from to a GHost++ server instance. It is written in python3 and made available under the apache license. You can download the package


#	Copyright [2010] [Alexander Knaust]
#	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#	You may obtain a copy of the License at
#	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#	limitations under the License.

'''This is a library of functions for interacting with, and
	the banlist system in general, designed with ghost++ in mind, although
	kept as extensible as possible. With this you can download online banlists
	as well as share your banlist with others using the servers.
	I recommend using it with httplib2 because it will significantly decrease
	the load on the server as well as the load on your connection
	It is designed to be Python 3.x compatible

import hashlib
import re
import xml.dom
import xml.dom.minidom
from datetime import datetime

__version__ = "0.1"


#info types for the parse_localxml

#i've included THE official DotA shared banlists here, as well as the VIP lists
#for Northrend and Azeroth (list the members of the NSG/ASG) just for fun.
#these are all links to xml documents that point to the raw data, and have
#some metadata attached... you can make your own at




KALIMDOR_AH_LIST = '' #lol? no ah's there...

#python 2/3 indiscrepencies
	import urllib.request as urllib2
	import urllib.parse as urlparse
	from io import StringIO
except ImportError:
	from StringIO import StringIO
	import urllib2
	import urllib as urlparse

#httplib2 is much preferred because of caching and compression support
#however if you really are going to run without it... 
_has_httplib2 = False
	import httplib2
	_has_httplib2 = True
	http_con = httplib2.Http('.cache')
except ImportError:
	print('You should get httplib2, its better...')

class PyBlnlError(Exception):
	'''Is the parent of all the errors here'''
class LoginError(PyBlnlError):

class UploadError(PyBlnlError):
class DownloadError(PyBlnlError, ValueError):

class Banlist(list):
	'''A class to represent banlists, infolists and even viplists, it inherits
		list, because thats what they are... basically it is a list with a few
		extra attributes, type safety, and a customized sort
		Only accepts tuples of lengths 2/3 as elements
	def __init__ ( self, banner='', realm='Northrend', type=BANLIST, has_dates=False ):
		'''Initialize a banlist, checking to make sure the values are good
		Keyword Arguments:
		banner --the person this banlist belongs to
		type --the type of the banlist (BANLIST, INFOLIST, VIPLIST)
		has_dates --whether or not the banlist contains extra dates, (tuples length 3)
		if not isinstance(has_dates, bool):
			raise ValueError('has_dates should be a boolean')
		if type not in (self.INFOLIST, self.BANLIST, self.VIPLIST):
			raise ValueError('type must be Banlist.INFOLIST or Banlist.BANLIST')
		self.banner = banner
		self.realm = realm
		self.type = type
		self.has_dates = has_dates
	def append( self, ban ):
		'''Overrides list.append for type saftey'''
		if not isinstance(ban, tuple):
			raise ValueError("Can't add {0} as a ban, because its not a tuple".format(ban))
			if (len(ban) !=2 and not self.has_dates ) or (len(ban)!=3 and self.has_dates):
				raise ValueError("Can't add {0} as a ban, because it is not the right length".format(ban))
				list.append(self, ban)
	def insert( self, i, ban ):
		'''Overrides list.insert for type saftey'''
		if not isinstance(ban, tuple):
			raise ValueError("Can't add {0} as a ban, because its not a tuple".format(ban))
			if (len(ban) !=2 and not self.has_dates ) or (len(ban)!=3 and self.has_dates):
				raise ValueError("Can't add {0} as a ban, because it is not the right length".format(ban))
				list.insert(self,i , ban)
	def extend( self, other ):
		'''Overrides list.extend for type safety'''
		if not isinstance(other, Banlist):
			raise ValueError('Can only extend with other Banlist objects!')
		elif other.has_dates != self.has_dates:
			raise ValueError('Cannot combine Banlist with dates, and banlist without')
			if other.type != self.type:
				print('WARNING : Combining two different types of banlists!') #yea man...
			list.extend(self, other)
	def sort(self):
		'''Overrides list.sort() to force sorting by first key (banned name)'''
		list.sort(self, lambda a,b: cmp(a[0],b[0]))

##                         End of Classes                             ##

def _fetch_url( url, credentials = None ):
	'''Returns a stream given a url string, is a seperate function to account for
	httplib2/urllib.request differences
	Keyword Arguments:
	url --a url string pointing to what to get
	credentials --a dictionary of key:credential to fetch with POST
	if _has_httplib2:
		if credentials is not None:
			headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
			response, content = http_con.request(url,'POST',headers=headers, 
			response, content = http_con.request(url)
		if credentials is not None:
			content = urllib2.urlopen(url, urlparse.urlencode(credentials)).read()
			content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
	return StringIO(str(content)) #i don't think it uses a standard encoding...
def lookup_realm( banlist_realm ):
	'''Turns a realm w/e (works at least for xml 'type's) into a server
	(, etc...)
	Keyword Arguments:
	banlist_realm --a string that represents the realm (should have 'northrend','azeroth', etc. in it)
	returns --a server string in the form of etc. (None if no-match)
	if 'northrend' in banlist_realm.lower():
		return ''
	elif 'azeroth' in banlist_realm.lower():
		return ''
	elif 'lordaeron' in banlist_realm.lower():
		return ''
	elif 'kalimdor' in banlist_realm.lower():
		return ''
		raise ValueError('Could not determine realm of {0}'.format(banlist_realm))

def _get_session_key(user, passwd ,unhashed = False ):
	''' Returns the session key required for talking to using the
		older ( account) scripts given the url, name, and passwd
		Keyword Arguments : 
		login_url --the base url for connecting to
		user --a banlist username
		passwd --the usernames password (md5 hashed)
		unhashed --whether the passwd passed is already hashed
		returns --a string with the session ID
	hashed_pw = hashlib.md5(bytes(passwd)).hexdigest() if unhashed else passwd
	#construct the login url (old scripts specific afaik)
	user_login_url = OLD_LOGIN + "login=" + user + "&pass=" + hashed_pw
	sess_key_page = _fetch_url( user_login_url )
	sessid = sess_key_page.readline()
	if sessid.find('Error') >= 0:
		raise LoginError ( 'Incorrect Username/Password (Login Rejected)' )
	return sessid
def upload_bans_old ( username, passwd, bans, unhashed = False ):
	'''Uploads bans for a user to Bans should be a Banlist object
		raises LoginException if the Login Data is incorrect. Will replace all bans they have uploaded
		Note: due to a serverside restriction to prevent server hammering, bans can only be uploaded every 5 minutes
		Note: it also strips all whitespace from banname and reason
		Keyword Arguments :
		username --the username to upload the bans to (not forum)
		passwd --the user's passwd (md5 hashed)
		bans --a Banlist object with bans to upload
		unhashed --whether the password is hashed or not (for testing purposes mainly)
	#retreive the session id so we can upload the bans
	sessid = _get_session_key (username, passwd, unhashed )
	#construct the banlist string to upload from the tuples, 
	#banlist = 'gingerbreadman' + "\t" + 'wolves' + "\t0" + "\r\n" + 'muffinman' + "\t" + 'snakes are good' + "\t0"
	banlist = ''
	for banned, reason in bans:
		banlist += banned.strip() + '\t' + reason.strip() + '\t0\r\n'
	banlist = banlist.rstrip() #strip the last line break
	reply = _fetch_url(OLD_UPLOAD, {'PHPSESSID' : sessid, 'bans' : banlist}).readline()
	if reply:
		raise UploadError(reply)

def download_bans_old( username, passwd, list_type, extract_dates=False, 
	backdate_format='%d-%m-%Y', date_format ='%Y-%m-%d', unhashed = False):
	'''Uses the old scripts to download a banlist(s)
	Keyword Arguments:
	username --the user to login as
	passwd --the user's password (md5 hashed)
	list_type -- Either 'others' or 'own' (fetches buddiesbanlist from
	extract_dates --whether to extract the dates or not
	backdate_format --the format override for dates matching DD-DD-DDDD
	date_format --the format override for dates matching DDDD-DD-DD
	unhashed --whether the password is hashed
	returns --a list of Banlist objects, or a Banlist object if list_type = 'own'
	if ( list_type != 'others' and list_type != 'own' ):
		raise DownloadError("list_type should be 'others' or 'own'")
	sessid = _get_session_key( username, passwd, unhashed )
	#get the list of bans
	ban_file = _fetch_url(OLD_DOWNLOAD + list_type, dict([('PHPSESSID', sessid),]))
	#if list type is others, we are going to be making a list of banlists
	#each with a given username, and all the bans that user has
	if list_type is 'others':
		list_of_banlists = list()
		cur_banlist = Banlist(has_dates=extract_dates)
		for line in ban_file.readlines():
			banned, reason, username = re.split(r'\t',line)[:3]
			if username != cur_banlist.banner:
				cur_banlist = Banlist(username)
			if extract_dates:
				date_banned = _extract_date(reason, date_format=date_format, backdate_format=backdate_format)
				cur_banlist.append((banned, reason, date_banned))
				cur_banlist.append((banned, reason))
		return list_of_banlists	
	#if it is own, we are downloading our own banlist, so the banlist's banner = username
		banlist = Banlist(username,has_dates=extract_dates)
		for line in ban_file.readlines():
			banned, reason = re.split(r'\t',line)[:2]
			if extract_dates:
				date_banned = _extract_date(reason, date_format=date_format, backdate_format=backdate_format)
				banlist.append((banned, reason, date_banned))
				banlist.append((banned, reason))
		return banlist

def download_bans_anon ( username, extract_dates=False, backdate_format='%d-%m-%Y', date_format='%Y-%m-%d' ):
	'''Fetch the bans for a specific user anonymously (used by xml lists)
	Keyword Arguments:
	username --The name of the person whose bans we are fetching
	extract_dates --whether to extract the dates or not
	backdate_format --the format override for dates matching DD-DD-DDDD
	date_format --the format override for dates matching DDDD-DD-DD
	returns --a Banlist
	banlist = Banlist(username,has_dates=extract_dates)
	fetched_bans = _fetch_url(ANON_DOWNLOAD + username.strip())
	textbans = fetched_bans.readlines()
	if re.match(r"^---ERROR--- User \S* not found!$", textbans[0] ):
		raise DownloadError ('User {0} was not found (does not exist)'.format(username))
		for line in textbans:
			banned, reason = line.split( None, 1 )
			if extract_dates:
				date_banned = _extract_date(reason, date_format=date_format, backdate_format=backdate_format)
				banlist.append((banned.strip(), reason.strip(), date_banned))
				banlist.append((banned.strip(), reason.strip()))
	return banlist

def upload_bans_new ( username, passwd, ban_tuples, unhashed = False ):
	Uploads bans using the newer scripts
	Keyword Arguments :
	username --the user's FORUM username
	passwd --hashed user's passwd
	up_url --the upload url
	hashed_pw = hashlib.md5(bytes(passwd, "utf-8")).hexdigest() if unhashed else passwd
	#construct the banlist string to upload from the tuples, 
	#banlist = 'gingerbreadman' + "\t" + 'wolves' + "\t0" + "\r\n" + 'muffinman' + "\t" + 'snakes are good' + "\t0"
	banlist = ''
	for banned, reason in ban_tuples:
		banlist += banned.strip() + "\t0\t0\t" + reason.strip() + '\n'
	banlist = banlist.rstrip() #strip the last line break
	post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode()
	reply = _fetch_url(NEW_UPLOAD, {'username' : username, 'password' : hashed_pw,  'bans' : banlist}).readline() #this uploads the bans
	if reply:
		raise UploadError(str(reply, 'utf-8'))

def parse_online_xml (url):
	'''Given an online xml resource (for a viplist or xml banlist) it
	returns a dictionary with all the important information about the list
	i.e. Dictionary with keys {title, realm, type, data}
	Keyword Arguments:
	url --a url to an xml document (in serverlist format) see above
	returns --a dictionary (string:string)
	metadata = dict()
	xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(_fetch_url(url))
	metadata['title'] = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
	metadata['realm'] = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('realm')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
	metadata['type'] = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('type')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
	metadata['data'] = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('data')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
	return metadata

#I thought it was best to keep these close to the function that uses them...	
_back_date_match = re.compile ( r'(\d{2,2})\D(\d{2,2})\D(\d{4,4})' )
_date_match = re.compile ( r'(\d{4,4})\D(\d{2,2})\D(\d{2,2})' )
def _extract_date ( reason, backdate_format='%d-%m-%Y', date_format='%Y-%m-%d', default_date=None ):
	Attempts to extract the dates from a ban reason, using Date.strptime
	if it can't then it returns default_date (which defaults to
	It uses two regex matchers, backdate and date,
	backdate picks up dates with the format DD-DD-DDDD (anything as seperator)
	date picks up DDDD-DD-DD
	Keyword Arguments :
	reason --a string representing a ban reason (with or without dates)
	date_format --a date format override for strptime()
	default_date --the date to return for no match, defaults to NOW
	returns a Datetime object
	if default_date is None:
		default_date =
	#check to see if there is a ban at all
	if is None and is None:
		date_banned = default_date
		if is None: #should be a backdate
				d_b = '-'.join(
				date_banned = datetime.strptime(d_b, backdate_format)
				date_banned = default_date
				d_b = '-'.join(
				date_banned = datetime.strptime(d_b, date_format)
				date_banned =
	return date_banned
def download_bans_xml ( url, strip_banner=True, extract_dates=True, 
		raw_url=False, backdate_format='%d-%m-%Y', date_format='%Y-%m-%d'):
	'''Downloads a banlist from an online xml list (which is an xml document
	 with a link to the raw data as text. 
	 Note : Extracting dates is a problem, because
	 it requires that everyone on the list use a consistent date format, which is
	 not always the case. It tries to make a deduction based on the realm, but defaults
	 to the current date. (getting the gamename is near-impossible)
	 Keyword Arguments:
	 url --the url of the XML/text file to parse and download from
	 strip_banner --Whether or not to remove the (banned by xxx) if present
	 extract_dates --Whether to try to get the date from the ban or not (recommend not to) see note above
	 raw_url --Whether the url is an xml( default) or a direct link to the textual data
				you should specify date_format if extract_dates is true
	 backdate_format --overrides automatic guessing of DD-DD-DDDD dates
	 date_format --override automatic guessing of DDDD-DD-DD dates
	 returns --a list of banlists (one per banner)
	banlist = list()
	#first step is to go through the short xml file, and gather the data	
	if not raw_url:
		metadata = parse_online_xml(url)
		if metadata['type'] != 'banlist':
			raise ValueError('Not a valid banlist-xml')
		xml_data = _fetch_url(metadata['data'])
		if extract_dates:
			if not date_format:
				#our sophisticated guess at how the date is shaped xD
				mdy = metadata['realm'].find('US')>-1
				backdate_format = '%m-%d-%Y' if mdy else '%d-%m-%Y'
		xml_data = _fetch_url(url)
		if extract_dates:
			if not backdate_format:
				backdate_format = '%d-%m-%Y'
	#regex matchers/subbers precompiled
	banner_match = re.compile ( r'\(banned by (\w+).*' )

	#now for the fun part...although its called xml_data its really just plaintext
	c =1;
	list_of_banlists = list()
	cur_banlist = Banlist(has_dates=extract_dates) if raw_url else Banlist(has_dates=extract_dates, realm=metadata['realm'])
	for line in xml_data:
		if line.strip()!="" and len(line.split(None , 1))>1:
			banned = line.split(' ', 1)[0].strip().lower() #get the name of the banned guy
			if banned != '-0000000info': #some XML lists include this as a header...
				reason = line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip()
				if != None:
					banmatch =
					banner = #get the person who is banning!
					if strip_banner: #strip (banned by xxx)
						reason = reason[:reason.rindex(]
					banner = '' #yeaman
				if banner != cur_banlist.banner:
					if len(cur_banlist)>0:
						list_of_banlists.append(cur_banlist) #add this banlist to the list, start a new one
					if raw_url:
						cur_banlist = Banlist(banner, has_dates=extract_dates)
						cur_banlist = Banlist(banner, has_dates=extract_dates, realm=metadata['realm'])
				#lets have fun with the dates...
				if extract_dates:
					date_banned = _extract_date(reason, backdate_format)
					cur_banlist.append((banned, reason, date_banned))
	list_of_banlists.append(cur_banlist) #add the last one and return
	return list_of_banlists
def download_viplist ( url , raw_url=False ):
	'''Downloads the contents of a viplist, these are useful for automated
	updating of xml lists, and automated updating of other things, each
	vip has a name (forum) rank and a account
	Keyword Arguments:
	url --the url of an xml/text file with the viplist
	raw_url --Whether or not it is xml (default) or not xml
	returns --a list of tuples (vip, rank, acc)
	viplist = list()
	if not raw_url:
		metadata = parse_online_xml(url)
		if metadata['type'] != 'viplist':
			raise ValueError('{0} is not a viplist-xml'.format(url))
		vipdata = _fetch_url(metadata['data'])
		vipdata = _fetch_url(url)
	#will match
	#ilaggoodly Northrend Approved Host, Banlist account: ilagNorth
	vip_matcher = re.compile('^(\S+)\s([^,]+), Banlist account: (\S+)$')
	for line in vipdata:
	return viplist

def convert_local_xml( path, banner='',realm='Northrend', 
	pull_dates=True, infos=SEPERATE_INFOS, ignore_deleted=False):
	'''Parses a local bans from wc3banlist, either exported or a localdb.xml
		and returns a banlist object or (banlist, infolist)
		Keyword Arguments:
		path --the place where the bans are located
		banner --the banner who's name will go in the banlist objects
		pull_dates --whether to keep the dates from the bans in the Banlist object
		infos --What to do with infos, (keep seperate, turn all bans to infos, or turn all infos to bans)
		returns: a banlist object, or two banlist objects (bans, infos)
	banlist_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
	def _get_xmlbans( blist, type ):
		'''A sub-function that gets the bans out of an infolist or banlist'''
		try: #this can happen with exported lists, since they don't both types
			topelement = doc.getElementsByTagName(type+'list')[0]
		except IndexError:
		for ban in topelement.getElementsByTagName(type):
			banned = ban.getAttribute('nick')
			deleted = ban.getAttribute('deleted')
			reason = ban.getElementsByTagName('comment')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
			date_banned = datetime.strptime(ban.getElementsByTagName('date')[0].firstChild.nodeValue, banlist_date_format)
			if not ignore_deleted:
				if deleted =="0":
					if pull_dates:
						blist.append((banned, reason, date_banned))
						blist.append((banned, reason))
				if pull_dates:
					blist.append((banned, reason, date_banned))
					blist.append((banned, reason))
	with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xmlfile:
		doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlfile)
		banlist = Banlist(banner, realm, has_dates=pull_dates)
		infolist = Banlist(banner, realm, has_dates=pull_dates, type=Banlist.INFOLIST)
		if infos<=SEPERATE_INFOS:
			_get_xmlbans(banlist, 'ban')
			_get_xmlbans(infolist, 'info')
			return banlist, infolist
		elif infos == ALL_BANS:
			_get_xmlbans(banlist, 'ban')
			_get_xmlbans(banlist, 'info')
			return banlist
			_get_xmlbans(infolist, 'ban')
			_get_xmlbans(infolist, 'info')
			return infolist

def banlist_to_localxml( banlist, filename='convertedbans.xml' ):
	'''Converts a Banlist object into a wc3banlist style exported xml
	list, that you can import into wc3banlist. The lastchange dates will
	be set to the dates in the banlist if it has any, else it will be set
	to now
	Keyword Arguments:
	banlist --a Banlist object to be converted
	if not isinstance(banlist, Banlist):
		raise ValueError('banlist should be a Banlist object')
	type = 'ban' if banlist.type == Banlist.BANLIST else 'info'
	doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
	banlist_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
	listtype = doc.createElement(type+'list')
	#an example exported banlist 
	#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	  #<ban nick="ilaggoodly" deleted="0">
	for ban in banlist:		
		bantag = doc.createElement(type)
		bantag.setAttribute('nick', ban[0])
		commenttag = doc.createElement('comment')
		if banlist.has_dates:
			date_banned = datetime.strftime(ban[2], banlist_date_format)
			date_banned = datetime.strftime(, banlist_date_format)
		lastchange = doc.createElement('lastchange')
		datetag = doc.createElement('date')
		timetag = doc.createElement('time')
	#write out our xml (it writes everything on one line, because
	#i discovered that if you try to pass a newline paramater
	#wc3banlist can no longer read it ....
	with open(filename,'w') as outfile:
		doc.writexml(outfile, encoding="UTF-8")
if __name__=='__main__':
	user = 'snakeattack'
	password = '420505'
	my_banlist = download_bans_old(user, password,'own', unhashed=True)
	#upload_bans_old(user, password, my_banlist, unhashed=True)
	lol = download_bans_xml(NORTHREND_XML_LIST)

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